5 Different Treatments for Severe Hemorrhoids

Aug 15, 2024
5 Different Treatments for Severe Hemorrhoids
Severe hemorrhoids are no fun, but they’re quite treatable. Learn about five different treatments that can bring you lasting relief – including minimally invasive options.

Hemorrhoids are a lot like varicose veins, the bulging blood vessels that commonly develop in the legs. Because they form in or around the anus, however, they can be more bothersome. Everything from passing bowel movements to sitting or wearing fitted clothing when you have a hemorrhoid can fuel frustrating symptoms.

About 1 in 20 adults in the United States deals with hemorrhoid symptoms at some point. And while anyone can develop hemorrhoids, they’re especially common after age 50.

With his expert team at Midtown Manhattan practice, double board-certified vascular and interventional radiologist Dr. Yosef Golowa specializes in minimally invasive hemorrhoid treatment to help you find relief without surgery. 

If you’re experiencing severe hemorrhoid issues, read on to learn about five effective solutions.

What causes severe hemorrhoids

Anything that puts pressure on the veins in or near your anus can lead to hemorrhoids. Such stressors include excessive pushing or strain during bowel movements (often due to constipation), pregnancy, and other causes of pelvic weight gain. Lifting heavy objects, such as furniture or barbells, also raises your risk.

Hemorrhoids are also linked with particular genes. So if you have a family member who’s prone to mild to severe hemorrhoid symptoms, you’re likely to experience them, too. 

Regardless, the more rectal pressure you experience, the more probable severe hemorrhoid symptoms, like intense pain, itching, or bleeding, become. The same goes for multiple risk factors. If you’re constipated from too little fiber and engage in intense weightlifting, for example, your odds are heightened.

5 treatments for severe hemorrhoids

While mild hemorrhoid symptoms often resolve on their own within a few days, or with self-care measures, like sitz baths, topical cream, or stool softeners, severe cases typically require more in-depth treatment.

For severe or recurrent hemorrhoid symptoms, your treatment options may include:

  1. Hemorrhoidectomy, which surgically removes large or prolapsed hemorrhoids
  2. Infrared coagulation, which uses a laser and heat to destroy a hemorrhoid
  3. Rubber band ligation, which cuts off the hemorrhoid’s blood supply with a tight band
  4. Sclerotherapy, in which an injected chemical destroys hemorrhoid tissue
  5. Hemorrhoidal embolization, which reduces blood flow and shrinks hemorrhoids using tiny gel particles inserted through a catheter

Dr. Golowa specializes in hemorrhoidal embolization, which is painless and only takes about 45 minutes to perform. Once your sedative wears off following the procedure, you can return home and resume your usual activities within a day.

Our team can also talk to you about preventive steps, such as improved dietary habits, to stave off hemorrhoid flare-ups in the future.

To learn more about severe hemorrhoid treatment or to start toward worthy relief, call our office or book an appointment with Dr. Golowa through our website today.